Every user has a domain name handle like or just
Every user also has a persistent "DID" which enables migration between hosts
The DID maps to users' keys and current host addresses


The atproto identity system has a number of requirements:

  • ID provision. Users should be able to create global IDs which are stable across services. These IDs should rarely change to ensure that links to their content are stable.
  • Public key distribution. Distributed systems rely on cryptography to prove the authenticity of data and provide end-to-end privacy. The identity system must publish their public keys with strong security.
  • Key rotation. Users must be able to rotate their key material without disrupting their identity.
  • Service discovery. To interact with users, applications must be able to discover the services in use by a given user.
  • Usability. Users should have human-readable and memorable names.
  • Portability. Identities should be portable across services. Changing a provider should not cause a user to lose their identity, social graph, or content.

Adopting this system should give applications the tools for end-to-end encryption, signed user data, service sign in, and general interoperation.


We use two interrelated forms of identifiers: the handle and the DID. Handles are DNS names while DIDs are an emerging W3C standard which act as secure & stable IDs.

The following are all valid user identifiers:

The relationship between them can be visualized as:

┌──────────────────┐                 ┌───────────────┐
│ DNS name         ├──resolves to──→ │ DID           │
│ ( │                 │ (did:plc:...) │
└──────────────────┘                 └─────┬─────────┘
       ↑                                   │
       │                               resolves to
       │                                   │
       │                                   ↓
       │                            ┌───────────────┐
       └───────────references───────┤ DID Document  │
                                    │ {"id":"..."}  │

The DNS handle is a user-facing identifier — it should be shown in UIs and promoted as a way to find users. Applications resolve handles to DIDs and then use the DID as the stable canonical identifier. The DID can then be securely resolved to a DID document which includes public keys and user services.

Handles Handles are DNS names. They are resolved using the com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle() XRPC method and should be confirmed by a matching entry in the DID document. Details in the Handle specification.
DIDs DIDs are an emerging W3C standard for providing stable & secure IDs. They are used as stable, canonical IDs of users. Details of how they are used in AT Protocol in the DID specification.
DID Documents DID Documents are standardized objects which are hosted by DID registries. They include the following information:
  • The handle associated with the DID.
  • The signing key.
  • The URL of the user’s PDS.

DID Methods

The DID standard supports custom "methods" of publishing and resolving DIDs to the DID Document. A variety of existing methods have been published so we must establish criteria for inclusion in this proposal:

  • Strong consistency. For a given DID, a resolution query should produce only one valid document at any time. (In some networks, this may be subject to probabilistic transaction finality.)
  • High availability. Resolution queries must succeed reliably.
  • Online API. Clients must be able to publish new DID documents through a standard API.
  • Secure. The network must protect against attacks from its operators, a MITM, and other users.
  • Low cost. Creating and updating DID documents must be affordable to services and users.
  • Key rotation. Users must be able to rotate keypairs without losing their identity.
  • Decentralized governance. The network should not be governed by a single stakeholder; it must be an open network or a consortium of providers.

At present, none of the DID methods meet our standards fully. Therefore, we have chosen to support did-web and a temporary method we've created called DID Placeholder. We expect this situation to evolve as new solutions emerge.

Handle Resolution

Handles in atproto are domain names which resolve to a DID, which in turn resolves to a DID Document containing the user's signing pubkey and hosting service.

Handle resolution uses the com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle XRPC method. The method call should be sent to the server identified by the handle, and the handle should be passed as a parameter.

Here is the algorithm in pseudo-TypeScript:

async function resolveHandle(handle: string) {
  const origin = `https://${handle}`
  const res = await xrpc(origin, 'com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle', {handle})
  assert(typeof res?.did === 'string' && res.did.startsWith('did:'))
  return res.did

Example: Hosting service

Consider a scenario where a hosting service is using PLC and is providing the handle for the user as a subdomain:

  • The handle:
  • The DID: did:plc:12345
  • The hosting service:

At first, all we know is, so we call com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle() on This tells us the DID.

await xrpc.service('').com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle() // => {did: 'did:plc:12345'}

Next we call the PLC resolution method on the returned DID so that we can learn the hosting service's endpoint and the user's key material.

await didPlc.resolve('did:plc:12345') /* => {
  id: 'did:plc:12345',
  alsoKnownAs: ``,
  verificationMethod: [...],
  service: [{serviceEndpoint: '', ...}]

We can now communicate with to access Alice's data.

Example: Hosting service with separate domain name

Suppose we have the same scenario as before, except the user has supplied their own domain name:

  • The handle: (this differs from before)
  • The DID: did:plc:12345
  • The hosting service:

We call com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle() on to get the DID.

await xrpc.service('').com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle() // => {did: 'did:plc:12345'}

Then we resolve the DID as before:

await didPlc.resolve('did:plc:12345') /* => {
  id: 'did:plc:12345',
  alsoKnownAs: ``,
  verificationMethod: [...],
  service: [{serviceEndpoint: '', ...}]

We can now communicate with to access Alice's data. The endpoint only serves to handle the com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle() call. The actual user data lives on

Example: Self-hosted

Let's consider a self-hosting scenario. If it's using did

, it would look something like:

  • The handle:
  • The DID: did:plc:12345
  • The hosting service:

However, if the self-hoster is confident they will retain ownership of the domain name, they can use did

instead of did:plc:

  • The handle:
  • The DID:
  • The hosting service:

We call com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle() on to get the DID.

await xrpc.service('').com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle() // => {did: ''}

We then resolve using did:web:

await didWeb.resolve('') /* => {
  id: '',
  alsoKnownAs: ``,
  verificationMethod: [...],
  service: [{serviceEndpoint: '', ...}]


